Fove SDK  v0.18.0
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
FoveAPI.h File Reference

This file contains the entire FOVE API, no other headers are needed. More...

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
Include dependency graph for FoveAPI.h:


struct  Fove_AdapterId
 Struct used to identify a GPU adapter (Windows only) More...
struct  Fove_BitmapImage
 A 2D bitmap image. More...
struct  Fove_BoundingBox
 A bounding box. More...
struct  Fove_Buffer
 A generic memory buffer. More...
struct  Fove_CalibrationData
 Provide all the calibration data needed to render the current state of the calibration process. More...
struct  Fove_CalibrationOptions
 Parameters specifying how to run a calibration process. More...
struct  Fove_CalibrationTarget
 Represent a calibration target of the calibration process. More...
struct  Fove_CameraObject
 Represents a camera in a 3D world. More...
struct  Fove_ColliderCube
 Define a cube collider shape. More...
struct  Fove_ColliderMesh
 Define a mesh collider shape. More...
struct  Fove_ColliderSphere
 Define a sphere collider shape. More...
struct  Fove_CompositorLayer
 Struct used to store information about an existing compositor layer (after it is created) More...
struct  Fove_CompositorLayerCreateInfo
 Struct used to define the settings for a compositor client. More...
struct  Fove_CompositorLayerEyeSubmitInfo
 Struct used to conglomerate the texture settings for a single eye, when submitting a given layer. More...
struct  Fove_CompositorLayerSubmitInfo
 Struct used to conglomerate the texture settings when submitting a given layer. More...
struct  Fove_CompositorTexture
 Base class of API-specific texture classes. More...
struct  Fove_DX11Texture
 Struct used to submit a DirectX 11 texture. More...
struct  Fove_EyeData
 Eye related information. More...
struct  Fove_EyeShape
 Specify the shape of an eye (research API) More...
struct  Fove_GazableObject
 Represents an object in a 3D world. More...
struct  Fove_GazeConvergenceData
 Struct to represent the vector pointing where the user is looking at. More...
struct  Fove_GazeVector
 Struct to represent a unit vector out from the eye center along which that eye is looking. More...
struct  Fove_GLTexture
 Struct used to submit an OpenGL texture. More...
struct  Fove_HeadsetHardwareInfo
 Struct Contains hardware information for the headset. More...
struct  Fove_Matrix44
 Struct to hold a rectangular array. More...
struct  Fove_MetalTexture
 Struct used to submit a texture using the Apple Metal API. More...
struct  Fove_ObjectCollider
 Represents a colliding part of a gazable object. More...
struct  Fove_ObjectPose
 Represents the pose of an object of the scene. More...
struct  Fove_Pose
 Struct to represent a combination of position and orientation of Fove Headset. More...
struct  Fove_ProjectionParams
 Struct holding information about projection frustum planes. More...
struct  Fove_Quaternion
 Struct representation on a quaternion. More...
struct  Fove_Ray
 Struct to represent a Ray. More...
struct  Fove_ResearchGaze
 Struct for returning gaze data from the research API. More...
struct  Fove_TextureBounds
 Specify a region of a texture in normalized space. More...
struct  Fove_Vec2
 Struct to represent a 2D-vector. More...
struct  Fove_Vec2i
 Struct to represent a 2D-vector of integers. More...
struct  Fove_Vec3
 Struct to represent a 3D-vector. More...
struct  Fove_Versions
 Struct to list various version info about the FOVE software. More...
struct  Fove_VulkanContext
 Struct to represent a suite of vulkan components to be used for texture submission. More...
struct  Fove_VulkanTexture
struct  Fove_VulkanTextureResources
 Struct to hold handles to resources for a texture. More...


 Defines any needed modifiers to function pointers for callbacks, eg. to use a different calling convention.
#define FOVE_CONSTEXPR   const
 Helper for declaring a compile time constant.
 Macro that controls whether the C++ API will be defined. More...
#define FOVE_DEPRECATED(func, rem)   func
 Helper for declaring deprecated functions.
#define FOVE_ENUM(enumName)   typedef enum
 Helper to start an API enum.
#define FOVE_ENUM_END(enumName)   Fove_ ## enumName
 Helper to finish an API enum.
#define FOVE_ENUM_VAL(enumName, valueName)   Fove_ ## enumName ## _ ## valueName
 Helper to add a value to an API enum.
 Helper for declaring the public visibility of a function.
 Helper for disabling name mangling, etc.
 Define this to empty to remove noexcept specifiers from the API.
#define FOVE_STRUCT(structName)   typedef struct
 Helper to start an API struct.
#define FOVE_STRUCT_END(structName)   Fove_ ## structName
 Helper to complete an API struct.
#define FOVE_STRUCT_END_NO_CXX_ALIAS(structName)   Fove_ ## structName
 Helper to complete an API struct without aliasing it in C++.
#define FOVE_STRUCT_VAL(memberName, defaultVal)   memberName
 Helper to add a member to an API struct.


typedef struct Fove_Compositor_ * Fove_Compositor
 Opaque type representing a compositor connection.
typedef struct Fove_Headset_ * Fove_Headset
 Opaque type representing a headset object.
typedef struct Fove_ResearchHeadset_ * Fove_ResearchHeadset
 Opaque type representing a headset with research-specific capabilities.
typedef struct VkDevice_T * Fove_VkDevice
 Opaque type representing a vulkan logical device (It must have VK_KHR_external_memory and VK_KHR_external_memory_fd enabled)
typedef struct VkDeviceMemory_T * Fove_VkDeviceMemory
 Opaque type representing a vulkan device memory region.
typedef struct VkImage_T * Fove_VkImage
 Opaque type representing a vulkan image.
typedef struct VkImageView_T * Fove_VkImageView
 Opaque type representing a vulkan image view.
typedef struct VkInstance_T * Fove_VkInstance
 Opaque type representing a vulkan instance.
typedef struct VkPhysicalDevice_T * Fove_VkPhysicalDevice
 Opaque type representing a vulkan physical device.
typedef struct VkQueue_T * Fove_VkQueue
 Opaque type representing a vulkan queue.


enum  Fove_AlphaMode { Fove_AlphaMode_Auto = 0, Fove_AlphaMode_One = 1, Fove_AlphaMode_Sample = 2 }
 Enum to help interpret the alpha of texture. More...
enum  Fove_CalibrationMethod { Fove_CalibrationMethod_Default, Fove_CalibrationMethod_OnePoint, Fove_CalibrationMethod_Spiral }
 Indicate the calibration method to use. More...
enum  Fove_CalibrationState {
  Fove_CalibrationState_NotStarted, Fove_CalibrationState_HeadsetAdjustment, Fove_CalibrationState_WaitingForUser, Fove_CalibrationState_CollectingData,
  Fove_CalibrationState_ProcessingData, Fove_CalibrationState_Successful_HighQuality, Fove_CalibrationState_Successful_MediumQuality, Fove_CalibrationState_Successful_LowQuality,
  Fove_CalibrationState_Failed_Unknown, Fove_CalibrationState_Failed_InaccurateData, Fove_CalibrationState_Failed_NoRenderer, Fove_CalibrationState_Failed_NoUser,
 Indicate the state of a calibration process. More...
enum  Fove_ClientCapabilities { Fove_ClientCapabilities_None = 0x00, Fove_ClientCapabilities_Gaze = 0x01, Fove_ClientCapabilities_Orientation = 0x02, Fove_ClientCapabilities_Position = 0x04 }
 List of capabilities usable by clients. More...
enum  Fove_ColliderType { Fove_ColliderType_Cube = 0, Fove_ColliderType_Sphere = 1, Fove_ColliderType_Mesh = 2 }
 Specify the different collider shape types. More...
enum  Fove_CompositorLayerType { Fove_CompositorLayerType_Base = 0, Fove_CompositorLayerType_Overlay = 0x10000, Fove_CompositorLayerType_Diagnostic = 0x20000 }
 Compositor layer type, which defines how clients are composited. More...
enum  Fove_ErrorCode {
  Fove_ErrorCode_None = 0, Fove_ErrorCode_Connection_General = 1, Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_NotConnected = 7, Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_ServerUnreachable = 2,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_RegisterFailed = 3, Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_DeregisterFailed = 8, Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_RuntimeVersionTooOld = 4, Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_HeartbeatNoReply = 5,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_ClientVersionTooOld = 6, Fove_ErrorCode_API_General = 100, Fove_ErrorCode_API_InitNotCalled = 101, Fove_ErrorCode_API_InitAlreadyCalled = 102,
  Fove_ErrorCode_API_InvalidArgument = 103, Fove_ErrorCode_API_NotRegistered = 104, Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer = 110, Fove_ErrorCode_API_InvalidEnumValue = 111,
  Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullOutPointersOnly = 120, Fove_ErrorCode_API_OverlappingOutPointers = 121, Fove_ErrorCode_API_CompositorNotSwapped = 122, Fove_ErrorCode_API_Timeout = 130,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Data_General = 1000, Fove_ErrorCode_Data_RegisteredWrongVersion = 1001, Fove_ErrorCode_Data_UnreadableNotFound = 1002, Fove_ErrorCode_Data_NoUpdate = 1003,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Data_Uncalibrated = 1004, Fove_ErrorCode_Data_MissingIPCData = 1005, Fove_ErrorCode_Hardware_General = 2000, Fove_ErrorCode_Hardware_CoreFault = 2001,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Hardware_CameraFault = 2002, Fove_ErrorCode_Hardware_IMUFault = 2003, Fove_ErrorCode_Hardware_ScreenFault = 2004, Fove_ErrorCode_Hardware_SecurityFault = 2005,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Hardware_Disconnected = 2006, Fove_ErrorCode_Hardware_WrongFirmwareVersion = 2007, Fove_ErrorCode_Server_General = 3000, Fove_ErrorCode_Server_HardwareInterfaceInvalid = 3001,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Server_HeartbeatNotRegistered = 3002, Fove_ErrorCode_Server_DataCreationError = 3003, Fove_ErrorCode_Server_ModuleError_ET = 3004, Fove_ErrorCode_Code_NotImplementedYet = 4000,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Code_FunctionDeprecated = 4001, Fove_ErrorCode_Position_NoObjectsInView = 5000, Fove_ErrorCode_Position_NoDlibRegressor = 5001, Fove_ErrorCode_Position_NoCascadeClassifier = 5002,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Position_NoModel = 5003, Fove_ErrorCode_Position_NoImages = 5004, Fove_ErrorCode_Position_InvalidFile = 5005, Fove_ErrorCode_Position_NoCamParaSet = 5006,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Position_CantUpdateOptical = 5007, Fove_ErrorCode_Position_ObjectNotTracked = 5008, Fove_ErrorCode_Position_NoCameraFound = 5009, Fove_ErrorCode_Eye_Left_NoDlibRegressor = 6000,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Eye_Right_NoDlibRegressor = 6001, Fove_ErrorCode_Eye_CalibrationFailed = 6002, Fove_ErrorCode_Eye_LoadCalibrationFailed = 6003, Fove_ErrorCode_User_General = 7000,
  Fove_ErrorCode_User_ErrorLoadingProfile = 7001, Fove_ErrorCode_Compositor_UnableToCreateDeviceAndContext = 8000, Fove_ErrorCode_Compositor_UnableToUseTexture = 8001, Fove_ErrorCode_Compositor_DeviceMismatch = 8002,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Compositor_IncompatibleCompositorVersion = 8003, Fove_ErrorCode_Compositor_UnableToFindRuntime = 8004, Fove_ErrorCode_Compositor_DisconnectedFromRuntime = 8006, Fove_ErrorCode_Compositor_ErrorCreatingTexturesOnDevice = 8008,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Compositor_NoEyeSpecifiedForSubmit = 8009, Fove_ErrorCode_UnknownError = 9000, Fove_ErrorCode_Object_AlreadyRegistered = 10000, Fove_ErrorCode_Calibration_OtherRendererPrioritized = 11000,
  Fove_ErrorCode_License_FeatureAccessDenied = 12000, Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_DoesntExist = 13000, Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_NotAvailable = 13001, Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_InvalidName = 13002,
  Fove_ErrorCode_Config_DoesntExist = 14000, Fove_ErrorCode_Config_TypeMismatch = 14001
 The error codes that the Fove system may return. More...
enum  Fove_Eye { Fove_Eye_Neither = 0, Fove_Eye_Left = 1, Fove_Eye_Right = 2, Fove_Eye_Both = 3 }
 Enum to identify which eye is being used. More...
enum  Fove_EyeByEyeCalibration { Fove_EyeByEyeCalibration_Default, Fove_EyeByEyeCalibration_Disabled, Fove_EyeByEyeCalibration_Enabled }
 Indicate whether each eye should be calibrated separately or not. More...
enum  Fove_GazeCastPolicy { Fove_GazeCastPolicy_DismissBothEyeClosed, Fove_GazeCastPolicy_DismissOneEyeClosed, Fove_GazeCastPolicy_NeverDismiss }
 Specify when user gaze casts should be dismissed based on his eyes openness. More...
enum  Fove_GraphicsAPI { Fove_GraphicsAPI_DirectX = 0, Fove_GraphicsAPI_OpenGL = 1, Fove_GraphicsAPI_Metal = 2, Fove_GraphicsAPI_Vulkan = 3 }
 Enum for type of Graphics API. More...
enum  Fove_ImageType { Fove_ImageType_StereoEye = 0x00, Fove_ImageType_Position = 0x01 }
 Indicates the source of an image. More...
enum  Fove_LogLevel { Fove_LogLevel_Debug = 0, Fove_LogLevel_Warning = 1, Fove_LogLevel_Error = 2 }
 Severity level of log messages. More...
enum  Fove_ObjectGroup {
  Fove_ObjectGroup_Group0 = 1 << 0, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group1 = 1 << 1, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group2 = 1 << 2, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group3 = 1 << 3,
  Fove_ObjectGroup_Group4 = 1 << 4, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group5 = 1 << 5, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group6 = 1 << 6, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group7 = 1 << 7,
  Fove_ObjectGroup_Group8 = 1 << 8, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group9 = 1 << 9, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group10 = 1 << 10, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group11 = 1 << 11,
  Fove_ObjectGroup_Group12 = 1 << 12, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group13 = 1 << 13, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group14 = 1 << 14, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group15 = 1 << 15,
  Fove_ObjectGroup_Group16 = 1 << 16, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group17 = 1 << 17, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group18 = 1 << 18, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group19 = 1 << 19,
  Fove_ObjectGroup_Group20 = 1 << 20, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group21 = 1 << 21, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group22 = 1 << 22, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group23 = 1 << 23,
  Fove_ObjectGroup_Group24 = 1 << 24, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group25 = 1 << 25, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group26 = 1 << 26, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group27 = 1 << 27,
  Fove_ObjectGroup_Group28 = 1 << 28, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group29 = 1 << 29, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group30 = 1 << 30, Fove_ObjectGroup_Group31 = 1 << 31
 The groups of objects of the scene.
enum  Fove_ResearchCapabilities { Fove_ResearchCapabilities_None = 0x00, Fove_ResearchCapabilities_EyeImage = 0x01, Fove_ResearchCapabilities_PositionImage = 0x02 }
 Research-API-specific capabilities.


Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_createLayer (Fove_Compositor *, const Fove_CompositorLayerCreateInfo *layerInfo, Fove_CompositorLayer *outLayer)
 Creates a new layer within the compositor. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_destroy (Fove_Compositor *)
 Frees resources used by the compositor object, including memory and sockets. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_getAdapterId (Fove_Compositor *, Fove_AdapterId *outAdapterId)
 Returns the ID of the GPU currently attached to the headset. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_getLastRenderPose (Fove_Compositor *, Fove_Pose *outPose)
 Get the last cached pose for rendering purposes.
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_isReady (Fove_Compositor *, bool *outIsReady)
 Returns true if we are connected to a running compositor and ready to submit frames for compositing.
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_submit (Fove_Compositor *, const Fove_CompositorLayerSubmitInfo *submitInfo, size_t layerCount)
 Submit a frame to the compositor. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_waitForRenderPose (Fove_Compositor *, Fove_Pose *outPose)
 Wait for the most recent pose for rendering purposes. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_clearValue (const char *key)
 Reset the value of the provided key to its default value. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_getValue_bool (const char *key, bool *outValue)
 Get the value of the provided key from the FOVE config. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_getValue_float (const char *key, float *outValue)
 Get the value of the provided key from the FOVE config. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_getValue_int (const char *key, int *outValue)
 Get the value of the provided key from the FOVE config. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_getValue_string (const char *key, void(*callback)(const char *value, void *callbackData), void *callbackData)
 Get the value of the provided key from the FOVE config. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_setValue_bool (const char *key, bool value)
 Set the value of the provided key to the FOVE config. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_setValue_float (const char *key, float value)
 Set the value of the provided key to the FOVE config. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_setValue_int (const char *key, int value)
 Set the value of the provided key to the FOVE config. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_setValue_string (const char *key, const char *value)
 Set the value of the provided key to the FOVE config. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_createHeadset (Fove_ClientCapabilities capabilities, Fove_Headset **outHeadset)
 Creates and returns an Fove_Headset object, which is the entry point to the entire API. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_checkEyesClosed (Fove_Headset *, Fove_Eye *outEye)
 Writes out which eyes are closed. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_checkEyesTracked (Fove_Headset *, Fove_Eye *outEye)
 Writes out which eyes are being tracked. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_checkSoftwareVersions (Fove_Headset *)
 Checks whether the client can run against the installed version of the FOVE SDK. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_createCompositor (Fove_Headset *, Fove_Compositor **outCompositor)
 Returns a compositor interface from the given headset. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_createProfile (Fove_Headset *, const char *newName)
 Creates a new profile. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_deleteProfile (Fove_Headset *, const char *profileName)
 Deletes an existing profile. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_destroy (Fove_Headset *)
 Frees resources used by a headset object, including memory and sockets. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getCurrentProfile (Fove_Headset *, void(*callback)(const char *callbackProfileName, void *callbackData), void *callbackData)
 Gets the current profile. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getEyeToHeadMatrices (Fove_Headset *, Fove_Matrix44 *outLeft, Fove_Matrix44 *outRight)
 Writes out the matrices to convert from eye to head space coordinates. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getEyeTrackingCalibrationState (Fove_Headset *, Fove_CalibrationState *)
 Get the state of the currently running calibration process.
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getGazeCastPolicy (Fove_Headset *, Fove_GazeCastPolicy *policy)
 Get the current gaze cast policy. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getGazeConvergence (Fove_Headset *, Fove_GazeConvergenceData *outConvergenceData)
 Writes out eye convergence data. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getGazeVectors (Fove_Headset *, Fove_GazeVector *outLeft, Fove_GazeVector *outRight)
 Writes out each eye's current gaze vector. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getGazeVectors2D (Fove_Headset *, Fove_Vec2 *outLeft, Fove_Vec2 *outRight)
 Writes out the user's 2D gaze position on the screens seen through the HMD's lenses. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getHardwareInfo (Fove_Headset *, Fove_HeadsetHardwareInfo *outHardwareInfo)
 Writes out the hardware information. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getLatestPose (Fove_Headset *, Fove_Pose *outPose)
 Writes out the pose of the head-mounted display. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getProfileDataPath (Fove_Headset *, const char *profileName, void(*callback)(const char *callbackProfileName, void *callbackData), void *callbackData)
 Gets the data folder for a given profile. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getProjectionMatricesLH (Fove_Headset *, float zNear, float zFar, Fove_Matrix44 *outLeftMat, Fove_Matrix44 *outRightMat)
 Writes out the values of passed-in left-handed 4x4 projection matrices. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getProjectionMatricesRH (Fove_Headset *, float zNear, float zFar, Fove_Matrix44 *outLeftMat, Fove_Matrix44 *outRightMat)
 Writes out the values of passed-in right-handed 4x4 projection matrices. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getRawProjectionValues (Fove_Headset *, Fove_ProjectionParams *outLeft, Fove_ProjectionParams *outRight)
 Writes out values for the view frustum of the specified eye at 1 unit away. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getRenderIOD (Fove_Headset *, float *outIOD)
 Interocular distance to use for rendering in meters. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getResearchHeadset (Fove_Headset *, Fove_ResearchCapabilities caps, Fove_ResearchHeadset **outHeadset)
 Converts an existing headset object into a research headset. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getSoftwareVersions (Fove_Headset *, Fove_Versions *outSoftwareVersions)
 Writes out the current software versions. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingCalibrated (Fove_Headset *, bool *outEyeTrackingCalibrated)
 Writes out whether eye tracking has been calibrated. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingCalibrating (Fove_Headset *, bool *outEyeTrackingCalibrating)
 Writes out whether eye tracking is in the process of performing a calibration. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingEnabled (Fove_Headset *, bool *outEyeTrackingEnabled)
 Writes out whether the eye tracking hardware has started. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingReady (Fove_Headset *, bool *outEyeTrackingReady)
 Writes out whether eye tracking is actively tracking an eye - or eyes. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isHardwareConnected (Fove_Headset *, bool *outHardwareConnected)
 Writes out whether an HMD is know to be connected or not. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isHardwareReady (Fove_Headset *, bool *outIsReady)
 Writes out whether the hardware for the requested capabilities has started. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isHmdAdjustmentGuiVisible (Fove_Headset *, bool *outHmdAdjustmentGuiVisible)
 Writes out whether or not the GUI that asks the user to adjust their headset is being displayed. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isMotionReady (Fove_Headset *, bool *outMotionReady)
 Writes out whether motion tracking hardware has started. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isPositionReady (Fove_Headset *, bool *outPositionReady)
 Writes out whether position tracking hardware has started and returns whether it was successful. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isUserPresent (Fove_Headset *, bool *outUserPresent)
 Writes out whether the user is wearing the headset or not. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_listProfiles (Fove_Headset *, void(*callback)(const char *callbackProfileName, void *callbackData), void *callbackData)
 Lists all existing profiles. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_registerCameraObject (Fove_Headset *, const Fove_CameraObject *camera)
 Registers an camera in the 3D world. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_registerCapabilities (Fove_Headset *, Fove_ClientCapabilities caps)
 Registers a client capability, enabling the required hardware as needed. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_registerGazableObject (Fove_Headset *, const Fove_GazableObject *object)
 Registers an object in the 3D world. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_removeCameraObject (Fove_Headset *, int cameraId)
 Removes a previously registered camera from the scene. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_removeGazableObject (Fove_Headset *, int objectId)
 Removes a previously registered 3D object from the scene. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_renameProfile (Fove_Headset *, const char *oldName, const char *newName)
 Renames an existing profile. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_setCurrentProfile (Fove_Headset *, const char *profileName)
 Sets the current profile. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_setGazeCastPolicy (Fove_Headset *, Fove_GazeCastPolicy policy)
 Set the current gaze cast policy. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_startEyeTrackingCalibration (Fove_Headset *, const Fove_CalibrationOptions *options)
 Starts eye tracking calibration. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_stopEyeTrackingCalibration (Fove_Headset *)
 Stops eye tracking calibration if it's running, does nothing if it's not running.
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_tareOrientationSensor (Fove_Headset *)
 Tares the orientation of the headset. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_tarePositionSensors (Fove_Headset *)
 Tares the position of the headset. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_tickEyeTrackingCalibration (Fove_Headset *, float deltaTime, bool isVisible, Fove_CalibrationData *outCalibrationData)
 Tick the current calibration process and retrieve data information to render the current calibration state. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_unregisterCapabilities (Fove_Headset *, Fove_ClientCapabilities caps)
 Unregisters a client capability previously registered. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_updateCameraObject (Fove_Headset *, int cameraId, const Fove_ObjectPose *pose)
 Update the pose of a registered camera. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_updateGazableObject (Fove_Headset *, int objectId, const Fove_ObjectPose *pose)
 Update a previously registered 3D object pose. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_waitForNextEyeFrame (Fove_Headset *)
 Waits for next camera frame and associated eye tracking info becomes available. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_logText (Fove_LogLevel level, const char *utf8Text)
 Writes some text to the FOVE log. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_getEyeShapes (Fove_ResearchHeadset *, Fove_EyeShape *outLeft, Fove_EyeShape *outRight)
 Returns the eye shape of the left and right eyes. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_getGaze (Fove_ResearchHeadset *, Fove_ResearchGaze *outGaze)
 Returns research-related gaze information.
Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_getImage (Fove_ResearchHeadset *, Fove_ImageType type, Fove_BitmapImage *outImage)
 Returns the latest image of the given type. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_registerCapabilities (Fove_ResearchHeadset *, Fove_ResearchCapabilities caps)
 Registers a research capability, enabling the required hardware as needed. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_turnOffPositionTrackingLEDs (Fove_ResearchHeadset *)
 Turns off position tracking LEDs all at once at a default intensity. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_turnOnPositionTrackingLEDs (Fove_ResearchHeadset *)
 Turns on position tracking LEDs all at once at a default intensity. More...
Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_unregisterCapabilities (Fove_ResearchHeadset *, Fove_ResearchCapabilities caps)
 Unregisters a research capability previously registered. More...


const int fove_ObjectIdInvalid = -1
 Predefined object ID to signify "no object".

Detailed Description

This file contains the entire FOVE API, no other headers are needed.

Macro Definition Documentation



Macro that controls whether the C++ API will be defined.

The C API is always defined after including this header, but the C++ API is optional. In C++ mode, the C API is extended (for example, with default values for struct members) automatically.

User can set this macro to 0 or 1, either in code before including this, or via compile-flag to choose.

Defaults to 0 if the compiler is a C compiler, 1 if the compiler is a C++ compiler.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Fove_AlphaMode

Enum to help interpret the alpha of texture.

Determines how to interpret the alpha of a compositor client texture


Base layers will use One, overlay layers will use Sample.


Alpha will always be one (fully opaque)


Alpha fill be sampled from the alpha channel of the buffer.

◆ Fove_CalibrationMethod

Indicate the calibration method to use.


Use the calibration method specified in the configuration file (default: single point)


Use the simple point calibration method (Requires license)


Use the spiral calibration method.

◆ Fove_CalibrationState

Indicate the state of a calibration process.

A calibration process always starts from the NotStarted state, then it can go back and forth between the WaitingForUser & CollectingData states, then it goes to the ProcessingData state and finishes with the Successful state.

A failure can happen any time during the process, and stops the process where it was.

From the ProcessingData state the calibration process do not require any rendering and gameplay can be started if wanted but new calibration won't be effective before reaching the Successful state.


No calibration process haven't been started yet.


The calibration process is waiting for the user to adjust the headset.


The calibration process is waiting for the user to get ready.


The calibration process is currently collecting calibration data.


The calibration process is currently processing the collected data.


The calibration is successful and of high quality.


The calibration is successful and of medium quality.


The calibration is successful but of low quality.


The calibration process failed due to an unknown issue.


The calibration process failed because of inaccurate or flawed data.


The calibration process failed after timeout because it couldn't find a renderer.


The calibration process failed after timeout because it couldn't detect the user.


The calibration process was manually aborted by the user.

◆ Fove_ClientCapabilities

List of capabilities usable by clients.

Most features require registering for the relevant capability. If a client queries data related to a capability it has not registered API_NotRegistered will be returned.

This enum is designed to be used as a flag set, so items may be binary logic operators like |.

The FOVE runtime will keep any given set of hardware/software running so long as one client is registering a capability.

The registration of a capability does not necessarily mean that the capability is running. For example, if no position tracking camera is attached, no position tracking will occur regardless of how many clients registered for it.


No capabilities requested.


Enables eye tracking.


Enables headset orientation tracking.


Enables headset position tracking.

◆ Fove_ColliderType

Specify the different collider shape types.


A cube shape.


A sphere shape.


A shape defined by a mesh.

◆ Fove_CompositorLayerType

Compositor layer type, which defines how clients are composited.


The first and main application layer.


Layer over the base layer.


Layer over Overlay layer.

◆ Fove_ErrorCode

The error codes that the Fove system may return.


Indicates that no error occurred.


The client lost the connection with the Fove service.


The FOVE runtime version is too old for this client.


There was an error in the usage of the API other than one of the others in this section.


A function that should only be called after initialise was invoked before/without initialise.


A function that should only be called before initialise() was invoked, or initialise was invoked multiple times.


An argument passed to an API function was invalid for a reason other than one of the below reasons.


Data was queried without first registering for that data.


An input argument passed to an API function was invalid for a reason other than the below reasons.


An enum argument passed to an API function was invalid.


All output arguments were null on a function that requires at least one output (all getters that have no side effects)


Two (or more) output parameters passed to an API function overlap in memory. Each output parameter should be a unique, separate object.


This comes from submitting without calling WaitForRenderPose after a complete submit.


A call to an API could not be completed within a timeout.


Compositor was unable to initialize its backend component.


Compositor was unable to use the given texture (likely due to mismatched client and data types or an incompatible format)


Compositor was unable to match its device to the texture's, either because of multiple GPUs or a failure to get the device from the texture.


Compositor client is not compatible with the currently running compositor.


Compositor isn't running or isn't responding.


Compositor was running and is no longer responding.


Failed to create shared textures for compositor.


The supplied Fove_Eye for submit is invalid (i.e. is Both or Neither)


Errors that are unknown or couldn't be classified. If possible, info will be logged about the nature of the issue.


The scene object that you attempted to register was already present in the object registry.


Another renderer registered to render the calibration process have a higher priority than current process.


You don't have the license rights to use the corresponding feature.


The profile doesn't exist.


The profile already exists when it shouldn't, or is otherwise taken or not available.


The profile name is not a valid name.


The provided key doesn't exist in the config.


The value type of the key doesn't match.

◆ Fove_Eye

enum Fove_Eye

Enum to identify which eye is being used.

This is usually returned with any eye tracking information and tells the client which eye(s) the information is based on.


Neither eye.


Left eye only.


Right eye only.


Both eyes.

◆ Fove_EyeByEyeCalibration

Indicate whether each eye should be calibrated separately or not.


Use the settings coming from the configuration file (default: Disabled)


Calibrate both eye simultaneously.


Calibrate each eye separately, first the left, then the right. (Requires license)

◆ Fove_GazeCastPolicy

Specify when user gaze casts should be dismissed based on his eyes openness.


Dismiss the gaze cast only if both eyes of the eye are closed.


Dismiss the gaze cast as soon as one of the user's eye is closed.


Never dismiss the user gaze cast. This can be useful especially for debugging.

◆ Fove_GraphicsAPI

Enum for type of Graphics API.

Type of Graphics API Note: We currently only support DirectX


DirectX (Windows only)


OpenGL (All platforms, currently in BETA)


Metal (Mac only)


Vulkan (Currently Linux only)

◆ Fove_ImageType

Indicates the source of an image.


Image comes from an eye camera, with the left/right eyes stitched into one image.


Image comes from a position tracking camera.

◆ Fove_LogLevel

Severity level of log messages.


Debug information.


An issue requiring attention.


An unexpected error.

Function Documentation

◆ fove_Compositor_createLayer()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_createLayer ( Fove_Compositor ,
const Fove_CompositorLayerCreateInfo layerInfo,
Fove_CompositorLayer outLayer 

Creates a new layer within the compositor.

This function create a layer upon which frames may be submitted to the compositor by this client.

A connection to the compositor must exist for this to pass. This means you need to wait for fove_Compositor_isReady before calling this function. However, if connection to the compositor is lost and regained, this layer will persist. For this reason, you should not recreate your layers upon reconnection, simply create them once.

There is no way to delete a layer once created, other than to destroy the Fove_Compositor object. This is a feature we would like to add in the future.

layerInfoThe settings for the layer to be created
outLayerA struct where the defaults of the newly created layer will be written
See also

◆ fove_Compositor_destroy()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_destroy ( Fove_Compositor )

Frees resources used by the compositor object, including memory and sockets.

Upon return, this compositor pointer should no longer be used.

See also

◆ fove_Compositor_getAdapterId()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_getAdapterId ( Fove_Compositor ,
Fove_AdapterId outAdapterId 

Returns the ID of the GPU currently attached to the headset.

For systems with multiple GPUs, submitted textures to the compositor must from the same GPU that the compositor is using

◆ fove_Compositor_submit()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_submit ( Fove_Compositor ,
const Fove_CompositorLayerSubmitInfo submitInfo,
size_t  layerCount 

Submit a frame to the compositor.

This function takes the feed from your game engine to the compositor for output.

submitInfoAn array of layerCount Fove_CompositorLayerSubmitInfo structs, each of which provides texture data for a unique layer
layerCountThe number of layers you are submitting
See also

◆ fove_Compositor_waitForRenderPose()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Compositor_waitForRenderPose ( Fove_Compositor ,
Fove_Pose outPose 

Wait for the most recent pose for rendering purposes.

All compositor clients should use this function as the sole means of limiting their frame rate. This allows the client to render at the correct frame rate for the HMD display. Upon this function returning, the client should proceed directly to rendering, to reduce the chance of missing the frame. If outPose is not null, this function will return the latest pose as a convenience to the caller. In general, a client's main loop should look like: { Update(); // Run AI, physics, etc, for the next frame compositor.WaitForRenderPose(&pose); // Wait for the next frame, and get the pose Draw(pose); // Render the scene using the new pose }

outPoseThe latest pose of the headset.

◆ fove_Config_clearValue()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_clearValue ( const char *  key)

Reset the value of the provided key to its default value.

keyThe key name of the value to reset, null-terminated and in UTF-8
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the value was successfully reset
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if key is null
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_DoesntExist if the provided key doesn't exist

◆ fove_Config_getValue_bool()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_getValue_bool ( const char *  key,
bool *  outValue 

Get the value of the provided key from the FOVE config.

keyThe key name of the value to retrieve, null-terminated and in UTF-8
outValueThe value associated to the key if found.
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the value was successfully retrieved
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if key or outValue is null
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_DoesntExist if the queried key doesn't exist
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_TypeMismatch if the key exist but its value type is not a boolean

◆ fove_Config_getValue_float()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_getValue_float ( const char *  key,
float *  outValue 

Get the value of the provided key from the FOVE config.

keyThe key name of the value to retrieve, null-terminated and in UTF-8
outValueThe value associated to the key if found.
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the value was successfully retrieved
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if key or outValue is null
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_DoesntExist if the queried key doesn't exist
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_TypeMismatch if the key exist but its value type is not a float

◆ fove_Config_getValue_int()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_getValue_int ( const char *  key,
int *  outValue 

Get the value of the provided key from the FOVE config.

keyThe key name of the value to retrieve, null-terminated and in UTF-8
outValueThe value associated to the key if found.
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the value was successfully retrieved
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if key or outValue is null
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_DoesntExist if the queried key doesn't exist
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_TypeMismatch if the key exist but its value type is not an int

◆ fove_Config_getValue_string()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_getValue_string ( const char *  key,
void(*)(const char *value, void *callbackData)  callback,
void *  callbackData 

Get the value of the provided key from the FOVE config.

keyThe key name of the value to retrieve, null-terminated and in UTF-8
callbackA function pointer to a function that will be called once if the key is present
callbackDataAn arbitrary pointer passed to the callback
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the value was successfully retrieved
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if key or outValue is null
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_DoesntExist if the queried key doesn't exist
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_TypeMismatch if the key exist but its value type is not a string

◆ fove_Config_setValue_bool()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_setValue_bool ( const char *  key,
bool  value 

Set the value of the provided key to the FOVE config.

keyThe key name of the value to set, null-terminated and in UTF-8
valueThe new value to set as the key value.
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the value was successfully set
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if key is null
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_DoesntExist if the provided key doesn't exist
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_TypeMismatch if the key exist but its value type is not a boolean

◆ fove_Config_setValue_float()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_setValue_float ( const char *  key,
float  value 

Set the value of the provided key to the FOVE config.

keyThe key name of the value to set, null-terminated and in UTF-8
valueThe new value to set as the key value.
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the value was successfully set
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if key is null
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_DoesntExist if the provided key doesn't exist
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_TypeMismatch if the key exist but its value type is not a float

◆ fove_Config_setValue_int()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_setValue_int ( const char *  key,
int  value 

Set the value of the provided key to the FOVE config.

keyThe key name of the value to set, null-terminated and in UTF-8
valueThe new value to set as the key value.
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the value was successfully set
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if key is null
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_DoesntExist if the provided key doesn't exist
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_TypeMismatch if the key exist but its value type is not an int

◆ fove_Config_setValue_string()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Config_setValue_string ( const char *  key,
const char *  value 

Set the value of the provided key to the FOVE config.

keyThe key name of the value to set, null-terminated and in UTF-8
valueThe new value to set as the key value.
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the value was successfully set
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if key or value is null
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_DoesntExist if the provided key doesn't exist
Fove_ErrorCode_Config_TypeMismatch if the key exist but its value type is not a string

◆ fove_createHeadset()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_createHeadset ( Fove_ClientCapabilities  capabilities,
Fove_Headset **  outHeadset 

Creates and returns an Fove_Headset object, which is the entry point to the entire API.

The result headset should be destroyed using fove_Headset_destroy when no longer needed.

capabilitiesThe desired capabilities (Gaze, Orientation, Position), for multiple capabilities, use bitwise-or input: Fove_ClientCapabilities::Gaze | Fove_ClientCapabilities::Position
outHeadsetA pointer where the address of the newly created headset will be written upon success
See also

◆ fove_Headset_checkEyesClosed()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_checkEyesClosed ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_Eye outEye 

Writes out which eyes are closed.

outEyeA pointer to the variable to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_checkEyesTracked()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_checkEyesTracked ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_Eye outEye 

Writes out which eyes are being tracked.

outEyeA pointer to the variable to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_checkSoftwareVersions()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_checkSoftwareVersions ( Fove_Headset )

Checks whether the client can run against the installed version of the FOVE SDK.

Fove_ErrorCode_None if this client is compatible with the currently running service
Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_RuntimeVersionTooOld if not compatible with the currently running service
Otherwise returns an error representing why this can't be determined

◆ fove_Headset_createCompositor()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_createCompositor ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_Compositor **  outCompositor 

Returns a compositor interface from the given headset.

Each call to this function creates a new object. The object should be destroyed with fove_Compositor_destroy It is fine to call this function multiple times with the same headset, the same pointer will be returned. It is ok for the compositor to outlive the headset passed in.

See also

◆ fove_Headset_createProfile()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_createProfile ( Fove_Headset ,
const char *  newName 

Creates a new profile.

The FOVE system keeps a set of profiles so that different users on the same system can store data, such as calibrations, separately. Profiles persist to disk and survive restart. Third party applications can control the profile system and store data within it.

This function creates a new profile, but does not add any data or switch to it.

newNameNull-terminated UTF-8 unique name of the profile to create
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the profile was successfully created
Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_NotConnected if not connected to the service
Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_InvalidName if newName was invalid
Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_NotAvailable if the name is already taken
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if newName is null
See also

◆ fove_Headset_deleteProfile()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_deleteProfile ( Fove_Headset ,
const char *  profileName 

Deletes an existing profile.

This function deletes an existing profile.

If the deleted profile is the current profile, then no current profile is set after this returns. In such a case, it is undefined whether any existing profile data loaded into memory may be kept around.

profileNameNull-terminated UTF-8 name of the profile to be deleted
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the profile was successfully deleted
Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_NotConnected if not connected to the service
Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_DoesntExist if the requested profile at profileName doesn't exist
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if profileName is null
See also

◆ fove_Headset_destroy()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_destroy ( Fove_Headset )

Frees resources used by a headset object, including memory and sockets.

Upon return, this headset pointer, and any research headsets from it, should no longer be used.

See also

◆ fove_Headset_getCurrentProfile()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getCurrentProfile ( Fove_Headset ,
void(*)(const char *callbackProfileName, void *callbackData)  callback,
void *  callbackData 

Gets the current profile.

The callback is not invoked if there is no current profile.

callbackProfileName is a non-null, null-terminated UTF-8 string with the name of the current profile.

Invoking any other function on this headset from the callback will yield undefined behavior.

callbackA function pointer to a function that will be called up to onces
callbackDataAn arbitrary pointer passed to the callback or an empty string if no profile is set)
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the profile name was successfully retrieved
Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_NotConnected if not connected to the service
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if callback is null
See also

◆ fove_Headset_getEyeToHeadMatrices()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getEyeToHeadMatrices ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_Matrix44 outLeft,
Fove_Matrix44 outRight 

Writes out the matrices to convert from eye to head space coordinates.

This is simply a translation matrix that returns +/- IOD/2

outLeftA pointer to the matrix where left-eye transform data will be written
outRightA pointer to the matrix where right-eye transform data will be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing data

◆ fove_Headset_getGazeCastPolicy()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getGazeCastPolicy ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_GazeCastPolicy policy 

Get the current gaze cast policy.

policyA pointer used to received the current gaze cast policy
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the gaze cast policy was properly returned
Fove_ErrorCode_API_InvalidArgument is returned if the given pointer was null

◆ fove_Headset_getGazeConvergence()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getGazeConvergence ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_GazeConvergenceData outConvergenceData 

Writes out eye convergence data.

outConvergenceDataA pointer to the convergence data struct to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_getGazeVectors()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getGazeVectors ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_GazeVector outLeft,
Fove_GazeVector outRight 

Writes out each eye's current gaze vector.

If either argument is nullptr, only the other value will be written. It is an error for both arguments to be nullptr.

outLeftA pointer to the left eye gaze vector which will be written to
outRightA pointer to the right eye gaze vector which will be written to
Any error detected while fetching and writing the gaze vectors

◆ fove_Headset_getGazeVectors2D()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getGazeVectors2D ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_Vec2 outLeft,
Fove_Vec2 outRight 

Writes out the user's 2D gaze position on the screens seen through the HMD's lenses.

The use of lenses and distortion correction creates a screen in front of each eye. This function returns 2D vectors representing where on each eye's screen the user is looking. The vectors are normalized in the range [-1, 1] along both X and Y axes such that the following points are true:

Center: (0, 0) Bottom-Left: (-1, -1) Top-Right: (1, 1)

outLeftA pointer to the left eye gaze point in the HMD's virtual screen space
outRightA pointer to the right eye gaze point in the HMD's virtual screen space
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_getHardwareInfo()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getHardwareInfo ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_HeadsetHardwareInfo outHardwareInfo 

Writes out the hardware information.

Allows you to get serial number, manufacturer, and model name of the headset.

◆ fove_Headset_getLatestPose()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getLatestPose ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_Pose outPose 

Writes out the pose of the head-mounted display.

outPoseA pointer to the variable to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_getProfileDataPath()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getProfileDataPath ( Fove_Headset ,
const char *  profileName,
void(*)(const char *callbackProfileName, void *callbackData)  callback,
void *  callbackData 

Gets the data folder for a given profile.

Allows you to retrieve a filesytem directory where third party apps can write data associated with this profile. This directory will be created before return.

Since multiple applications may write stuff to a profile, please prefix any files you create with something unique to your application.

There are no special protections on profile data, and it may be accessible to any other app on the system. Do not write sensitive data here.

This is intended for simple uses. For advanced uses that have security concerns, or want to sync to a server, etc, third party applications are encouraged to use their own separate data store keyed by profile name. They will need to test for profile name changes and deletions manually in that case.

Invoking any other function on this headset from the callback will yield undefined behavior.

callbackProfileName is a non-null, null-terminated UTF-8 string with the path.

callbackA function pointer to a function that will be called once if successful. Not invoked in the event of error
callbackDataAn arbitrary pointer passed to the callback
profileNameA null-terminated UTF-8 string with the name of the profile to be queried, or an empty string if no profile is set
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the profile was successfully deleted
Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_DoesntExist if there is no such profile
Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_NotConnected if not connected to the service
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if profileName or callback is null
See also

◆ fove_Headset_getProjectionMatricesLH()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getProjectionMatricesLH ( Fove_Headset ,
float  zNear,
float  zFar,
Fove_Matrix44 outLeftMat,
Fove_Matrix44 outRightMat 

Writes out the values of passed-in left-handed 4x4 projection matrices.

Writes 4x4 projection matrices for both eyes using near and far planes in a left-handed coordinate system. Either outLeftMat or outRightMat may be nullptr to only write the other matrix, however setting both to nullptr is considered invalid and will return Fove_ErrorCode::API_NullOutPointersOnly.

zNearThe near plane in float, Range: from 0 to zFar
zFarThe far plane in float, Range: from zNear to infinity
outLeftMatA pointer to the matrix you want written
outRightMatA pointer to the matrix you want written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_getProjectionMatricesRH()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getProjectionMatricesRH ( Fove_Headset ,
float  zNear,
float  zFar,
Fove_Matrix44 outLeftMat,
Fove_Matrix44 outRightMat 

Writes out the values of passed-in right-handed 4x4 projection matrices.

Writes 4x4 projection matrices for both eyes using near and far planes in a right-handed coordinate system. Either outLeftMat or outRightMat may be nullptr to only write the other matrix, however setting both to nullptr is considered invalid and will return Fove_ErrorCode::API_NullOutPointersOnly.

zNearThe near plane in float, Range: from 0 to zFar
zFarThe far plane in float, Range: from zNear to infinity
outLeftMatA pointer to the matrix you want written
outRightMatA pointer to the matrix you want written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_getRawProjectionValues()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getRawProjectionValues ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_ProjectionParams outLeft,
Fove_ProjectionParams outRight 

Writes out values for the view frustum of the specified eye at 1 unit away.

Writes out values for the view frustum of the specified eye at 1 unit away. Please multiply them by zNear to convert to your correct frustum near-plane. Either outLeft or outRight may be nullptr to only write the other struct, however setting both to nullptr is considered and error and the function will return Fove_ErrorCode::API_NullOutPointersOnly.

outLeftA pointer to the struct describing the left camera projection parameters
outRightA pointer to the struct describing the right camera projection parameters
Any error detected while fetching and writing data

◆ fove_Headset_getRenderIOD()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getRenderIOD ( Fove_Headset ,
float *  outIOD 

Interocular distance to use for rendering in meters.

This is an estimation of the distance between centers of the left and right eyeballs. Half of the IOD can be used to displace the left and right cameras for stereoscopic rendering. We recommend calling this each frame when doing stereoscopic rendering. Future versions of the FOVE service may update the IOD during runtime as needed.

outIODA floating point value where the IOD will be written upon exit if there is no error

◆ fove_Headset_getResearchHeadset()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getResearchHeadset ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_ResearchCapabilities  caps,
Fove_ResearchHeadset **  outHeadset 

Converts an existing headset object into a research headset.

It is fine to call this function multiple times with the same headset, the same pointer will be returned. The research API does not provide backwards or forwards compatibility with different FOVE runtime. Do not release general purpose software using this API, this is meant for researcher user in a controlled environment (lab). The result Fove_ResearchHeadset is destroyed when the input headset object is destroyed. There is no destroy/free function for the research headset specifically.

capsThese capabilities are automatically passed to fove_ResearchHeadset_registerCapabilities so as to avoid an extra call
outHeadsetA pointer where the address of the newly created research headset object will be written upon success
See also

◆ fove_Headset_getSoftwareVersions()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_getSoftwareVersions ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_Versions outSoftwareVersions 

Writes out the current software versions.

Allows you to get detailed information about the client and runtime versions. Instead of comparing software versions directly, you should simply call CheckSoftwareVersions to ensure that the client and runtime are compatible.

◆ fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingCalibrated()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingCalibrated ( Fove_Headset ,
bool *  outEyeTrackingCalibrated 

Writes out whether eye tracking has been calibrated.

outEyeTrackingCalibratedA pointer to the variable to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingCalibrating()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingCalibrating ( Fove_Headset ,
bool *  outEyeTrackingCalibrating 

Writes out whether eye tracking is in the process of performing a calibration.

outEyeTrackingCalibratingA pointer to the variable to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingEnabled()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingEnabled ( Fove_Headset ,
bool *  outEyeTrackingEnabled 

Writes out whether the eye tracking hardware has started.

outEyeTrackingEnabledA pointer to the variable to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingReady()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isEyeTrackingReady ( Fove_Headset ,
bool *  outEyeTrackingReady 

Writes out whether eye tracking is actively tracking an eye - or eyes.

This means that hardware is enabled and eye tracking is calibrated when the variable is set to true.

outEyeTrackingReadyA pointer to the variable to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_isHardwareConnected()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isHardwareConnected ( Fove_Headset ,
bool *  outHardwareConnected 

Writes out whether an HMD is know to be connected or not.

outHardwareConnectedA pointer to the value to be written
Any error detected that might make the out data unreliable
See also

◆ fove_Headset_isHardwareReady()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isHardwareReady ( Fove_Headset ,
bool *  outIsReady 

Writes out whether the hardware for the requested capabilities has started.

Any error detected that might make the out data unreliable

◆ fove_Headset_isHmdAdjustmentGuiVisible()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isHmdAdjustmentGuiVisible ( Fove_Headset ,
bool *  outHmdAdjustmentGuiVisible 

Writes out whether or not the GUI that asks the user to adjust their headset is being displayed.

outHmdAdjustmentGuiVisibleA pointer to the variable to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_isMotionReady()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isMotionReady ( Fove_Headset ,
bool *  outMotionReady 

Writes out whether motion tracking hardware has started.

outMotionReadyA pointer to the variable to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_isPositionReady()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isPositionReady ( Fove_Headset ,
bool *  outPositionReady 

Writes out whether position tracking hardware has started and returns whether it was successful.

outPositionReadyA pointer to the variable to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_isUserPresent()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_isUserPresent ( Fove_Headset ,
bool *  outUserPresent 

Writes out whether the user is wearing the headset or not.

When user is not present Eye tracking values shouldn't be used as invalid.

outUserPresentA pointer to the variable to be written
Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_listProfiles()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_listProfiles ( Fove_Headset ,
void(*)(const char *callbackProfileName, void *callbackData)  callback,
void *  callbackData 

Lists all existing profiles.

Invoking any other function on this headset from the callback will yield undefined behavior.

callbackProfileName is a non-null, null-terminated UTF-8 string containing the name of a profile.

callbackA function pointer to a function that will be called once for each profile, in no particular order
callbackDataAn arbitrary pointer passed to the callback
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the profile names were successfully listed
Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_NotConnected if not connected to the service
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if callback is null
See also

◆ fove_Headset_registerCameraObject()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_registerCameraObject ( Fove_Headset ,
const Fove_CameraObject camera 

Registers an camera in the 3D world.

Registering 3D world objects and camera allows FOVE software to identify which objects are being gazed at. We recommend that clients opt-in to this functionality rather than doing it themselves, as our algorithm may improve over time. Clients of course may do their own detection if they have special needs, such as performance needs, or just want to use their own algorithm.

At least 1 camera needs to be registered for automatic object gaze recognition to work. Use the object group mask of the camera to specify which objects the camera is capturing. The camera view pose determine the gaze raycast direction and position. The camera view pose should include any and all offsets from position tracking. No transforms from the headset are added in automatically.

Connection to the service is not required for object registration, thus you can register your world objects at will and not worry about connection or reconnection status.

cameraA description of the camera. Data is copied and no reference is kept to this memory after return.
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the camera is successfully added or updated
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if either parameter is null
Fove_ErrorCode_API_InvalidArgument if the object is invalid in any way (such as an invalid object id)
Fove_ErrorCode_Object_AlreadyRegistered if an object with same id is already registered
See also

◆ fove_Headset_registerCapabilities()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_registerCapabilities ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_ClientCapabilities  caps 

Registers a client capability, enabling the required hardware as needed.

Usually you provide the required capabilities at the creation of the headset But you can add and remove capabilities anytime while the object is alive.

capsA set of capabilities to register. Registering an existing capability is a no-op

◆ fove_Headset_registerGazableObject()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_registerGazableObject ( Fove_Headset ,
const Fove_GazableObject object 

Registers an object in the 3D world.

Registering 3D world objects allows FOVE software to identify which objects are being gazed at. We recommend that clients opt-in to this functionality rather than doing it themselves, as our algorithm may improve over time. Clients of course may do their own detection if they have special needs, such as performance needs, or just want to use their own algorithm.

Use fove_Headset_registerCameraObject to set the pose of the corresponding camera in the 3D world.

Connection to the service is not required for object registration, thus you can register your world objects at will and not worry about connection or reconnection status.

objectA description of the object in the 3D world. Data is copied and no reference is kept to this memory after return.
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the object is successfully added or updated
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if either parameter is null
Fove_ErrorCode_API_InvalidArgument if the object is invalid in any way (such as an invalid object id)
Fove_ErrorCode_Object_AlreadyRegistered if an object with same id is already registered
See also

◆ fove_Headset_removeCameraObject()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_removeCameraObject ( Fove_Headset ,
int  cameraId 

Removes a previously registered camera from the scene.

cameraIdId of the camera passed to fove_Headset_registerCameraObject()
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the object was in the scene and is now removed
Fove_ErrorCode_API_InvalidArgument is returned if the object was not already registered
See also

◆ fove_Headset_removeGazableObject()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_removeGazableObject ( Fove_Headset ,
int  objectId 

Removes a previously registered 3D object from the scene.

Because of the asynchronous nature of the FOVE system, this object may still be referenced in future frames for a very short period of time.

objectIdId of the object passed to fove_Headset_registerGazableObject()
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the object was in the scene and is now removed
Fove_ErrorCode_API_InvalidArgument if the object was not already registered
See also

◆ fove_Headset_renameProfile()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_renameProfile ( Fove_Headset ,
const char *  oldName,
const char *  newName 

Renames an existing profile.

This function renames an existing profile. This works on the current profile as well.

oldNameNull-terminated UTF-8 name of the profile to be renamed
newNameNull-terminated UTF-8 unique new name of the profile
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the profile was successfully renamed
Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_NotConnected if not connected to the service
Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_DoesntExist if the requested profile at oldName doesn't exist
Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_NotAvailable If the new named is already taken
Fove_ErrorCode_API_InvalidArgument If the old name and new name are the same
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if oldName or newName is null
See also

◆ fove_Headset_setCurrentProfile()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_setCurrentProfile ( Fove_Headset ,
const char *  profileName 

Sets the current profile.

When changing profile, the FOVE system will load up data, such as calibration data, if it is available. If loading a profile with no calibration data, whether or not the FOVE system keeps old data loaded into memory is undefined.

Please note that no-ops are OK but you should check for Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_NotAvailable.

profileNameName of the profile to make current, in UTF-8
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the profile was successfully set as the current profile
Fove_ErrorCode_Connect_NotConnected if not connected to the service
Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_DoesntExist if there is no such profile
Fove_ErrorCode_Profile_NotAvailable if the requested profile is the current profile
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if profileName is null
See also

◆ fove_Headset_setGazeCastPolicy()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_setGazeCastPolicy ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_GazeCastPolicy  policy 

Set the current gaze cast policy.

policyThe new gaze cast policy
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the gaze cast policy was properly updated
Fove_ErrorCode_API_InvalidArgument is returned if the system failed to change the policy

◆ fove_Headset_startEyeTrackingCalibration()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_startEyeTrackingCalibration ( Fove_Headset ,
const Fove_CalibrationOptions options 

Starts eye tracking calibration.

optionsCalibration options, or null to use default options
Fove_ErrorCode_None in the event of success
Fove_ErrorCode_License_FeatureAccessDenied if any of the enabled options require a license beyond what is active on this machine

◆ fove_Headset_tareOrientationSensor()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_tareOrientationSensor ( Fove_Headset )

Tares the orientation of the headset.

Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_tarePositionSensors()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_tarePositionSensors ( Fove_Headset )

Tares the position of the headset.

Any error detected while fetching and writing the data

◆ fove_Headset_tickEyeTrackingCalibration()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_tickEyeTrackingCalibration ( Fove_Headset ,
float  deltaTime,
bool  isVisible,
Fove_CalibrationData outCalibrationData 

Tick the current calibration process and retrieve data information to render the current calibration state.

deltaTimeThe time elapsed since the last rendered frame
isVisibleIndicate to the calibration system that something is being drawn to the screen. This allows the calibration renderer to take as much time as it wants to display success/failure messages and animate away before the calibration processes is marked as completed by the IsEyeTrackingCalibrating function.
outCalibrationDataThe calibration current state information

This function is how the client declares to the calibration system that is available to render calibration. The calibration system determines which of the available renderers has the highest priority, and returns to that render the information needed to render calibration via the outTarget parameter. Even while ticking this, you may get no result because either no calibration is running, or a calibration is running but some other higher priority renderer is doing the rendering.

Note that it is perfectly fine not to call this function, in which case the Fove service will automatically render the calibration process for you.

Fove_ErrorCode_None in the event of success
Fove_ErrorCode_License_FeatureAccessDenied if a sufficient license is not registered on this machine Fove_ErrorCode_Calibration_OtherRendererPrioritized if another process has currently the priority for rendering calibration process

◆ fove_Headset_unregisterCapabilities()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_unregisterCapabilities ( Fove_Headset ,
Fove_ClientCapabilities  caps 

Unregisters a client capability previously registered.

capsA set of capabilities to unregister. Unregistering an not-existing capability is a no-op

◆ fove_Headset_updateCameraObject()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_updateCameraObject ( Fove_Headset ,
int  cameraId,
const Fove_ObjectPose pose 

Update the pose of a registered camera.

cameraIdId of the camera passed to fove_Headset_registerCameraObject()
posethe updated pose of the camera
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the object was in the scene and is now removed
Fove_ErrorCode_API_InvalidArgument if the object was not already registered
See also

◆ fove_Headset_updateGazableObject()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_updateGazableObject ( Fove_Headset ,
int  objectId,
const Fove_ObjectPose pose 

Update a previously registered 3D object pose.

objectIdId of the object passed to fove_Headset_registerGazableObject()
posethe updated pose of the object
Fove_ErrorCode_None if the object was in the scene and is now updated
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NullInPointer if either parameter is null
Fove_ErrorCode_API_InvalidArgument if the object was not already registered
See also

◆ fove_Headset_waitForNextEyeFrame()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_Headset_waitForNextEyeFrame ( Fove_Headset )

Waits for next camera frame and associated eye tracking info becomes available.

Allows you to sync your eye tracking loop to the actual eye-camera loop. On each loop, you would first call this blocking function to wait for a new frame and then proceed to consume eye tracking info associated with the frame.

◆ fove_logText()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_logText ( Fove_LogLevel  level,
const char *  utf8Text 

Writes some text to the FOVE log.

levelWhat severity level the log will use
utf8TextNull-terminated text string in UTF-8
An error code, usually discarded since nothing critical should depend on logging

◆ fove_ResearchHeadset_getEyeShapes()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_getEyeShapes ( Fove_ResearchHeadset ,
Fove_EyeShape outLeft,
Fove_EyeShape outRight 

Returns the eye shape of the left and right eyes.

outLeftLocation to write the shape of the left eye
outRightLocation to write the shape of the right eye
Fove_ErrorCode_API_NotRegistered if gaze capability has not been registered Fove_ErrorCode_License_FeatureAccessDenied if the current license is not sufficient for this feature

◆ fove_ResearchHeadset_getImage()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_getImage ( Fove_ResearchHeadset ,
Fove_ImageType  type,
Fove_BitmapImage outImage 

Returns the latest image of the given type.

The image data buffer is invalidated upon the next call to this function with the same image type

◆ fove_ResearchHeadset_registerCapabilities()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_registerCapabilities ( Fove_ResearchHeadset ,
Fove_ResearchCapabilities  caps 

Registers a research capability, enabling the required hardware as needed.

Usually you provide the required capabilities at the creation of the research headset. But you can add and remove capabilities anytime while the object is alive.

capsA set of capabilities to register. Registering an existing capability is a no-op

◆ fove_ResearchHeadset_turnOffPositionTrackingLEDs()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_turnOffPositionTrackingLEDs ( Fove_ResearchHeadset )

Turns off position tracking LEDs all at once at a default intensity.

Any error detected while trying to turn off position tracking LEDs

◆ fove_ResearchHeadset_turnOnPositionTrackingLEDs()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_turnOnPositionTrackingLEDs ( Fove_ResearchHeadset )

Turns on position tracking LEDs all at once at a default intensity.

Any error detected while trying to turn on position tracking LEDs

◆ fove_ResearchHeadset_unregisterCapabilities()

Fove_ErrorCode fove_ResearchHeadset_unregisterCapabilities ( Fove_ResearchHeadset ,
Fove_ResearchCapabilities  caps 

Unregisters a research capability previously registered.

capsA set of capabilities to unregister. Unregistering an not-existing capability is a no-op